Tuesday, May 18, 2010

National Archives search

Here is an interesting site that allows you to search the National Archives in a cool format.  It is a flash program that allows you to see a thumbnails of many documents that are collected together depending on your search.  If you search the Supreme  Court, you could go the route of D.C. buildings, the court itself, individual cases, justices, the nomination process, etc.  There are primary documents and photos from the archives, all digitized, at your service.  The flash format makes it fun to search and the fact that you can see thumbnails of each document makes searching easier, or at least easier to dig deeper.  Try it out.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Mitt and Minn's Illinois Adventure

Our classes have been busy learning about Illinois as they read Mitt and Minn's Illinois Adventure.  Our One School, One Book adventure has been a real learning experience.  Check out some of the additions to our wiki at http://www.whiteside115.wikispaces.com/  Please comment if you'd like.