Friday, March 11, 2011

Technology and the brain

     Just read an interesting article from KQED in San Fransisco.  The article "How Technology Wires the Learning Brain" by Tina Barseghian talks about a study done by a neuroscientist and UCLA professor Dr. Gary Small.  Essentially he looks at your brain on Google with interesting results of brain activity.
     “Young people are born into technology, and they’re used to using it 24/7,” Small said. “Their brains are wired to use it elegantly.” I think that it is imperative that we include technology in our curriculum.  We are not properly preparing our kids for the world if we leave that piece out.  By the same token, it is our job to keep  the old "technologies" of personal communication; speaking and listening skills, reading, etc. as well.  The brain is like a muscle in that if you don't use it, you lose it.  The neuro-pathways that are created in activities, whether it be reading a book, or using a computer to play a game, need to be exercised so as to strengthen them.  And different pathways are created for different activities.  Just another reason why differentiation is so important.

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